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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
April 9, 2013

Present:  John Benson, George Collins, Dan Cruson, Tom D’Agostino, Carolyn Faxon, John Godin, Colleen Honan, Bill McCarthy,  Jennifer Reilly, Mark Principi,  Martha Robilotti, Peter Stern , John Trentacosta, and Beryl Harrison.

Absent: Mary Kelley, Moira Rodgers, Michelle Rosenthal,   Paul Sirois, Janet Woycik

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by Martha Robilloti, President

Consideration of Minutes: Dan Cruson moved to accept the minutes of the March meeting.  Peter Stern seconded, and the motion was unanimously accepted.
Public Participation: Judy Craven of the Library staff shared her thoughts on the retirement party for retiring Director, Janet Woycik.

President’s Announcements: Martha Robilotti shared current plans for the retirement party for Mrs. Woycik.  Colleen Honan will head the committee for the party and will seek input from the Library staff.

Mrs. Robilotti shared the progress on the Library director search.  

Treasurer’s Report: Bill McCarthy, Treasurer, discussed the budget with attention to variances regarding the Friends' donation expenditures.  Funds have been spent but not recorded.  Invoices have not been received.

John Godin moved to authorize the Executive committee to request the next installment from the Friends of the Library dependent upon the spending of the current installment.  Mark Principi seconded the motion.   The motion passed.

There was a discussion about the Books Heal Hearts fund.  The future of the fund will be discussed after the year anniversary of the Sandy Hook tragedy.

Report of the Library Director: The Director's report was sent by email.  The Dragon Boat, donated by artist Jean Mann, will be displayed in a museum case opposite the circulation desk.  It will be insured under the town's insurance policy.

Committee Reports:

Policies and Personnel:  No report.

Fund Raising: John Godin reported that the race committee met last Sunday. Several tasks need attention including the website, graphics, and sponsorships.

Building, Grounds, and Interior: Tom D'Agostino reported on his review of the security systems in the building.  One area of need is a side door that is equipped with an alarm.  
John Godin moved to spend up to $250 for appropriate labeling for the side door to indicate presence of an alarm.  Pete Stern seconded the motion.  The motion passed.

Long Range Planning: None

Friends of the Library Liaison: Pete Stern reported on the book donation day on Sunday.  Donations continue to be fewer.

Art Liaison: Martha Robilotti reported for Michelle Rosenthal.  There is an adjudicated photography show from the Flagpole Photographers in the meeting room currently, and an exhibit by Newtown High School students next month.

Historical Liaison: Dan Cruson reported on the ongoing efforts to digitally archive the ephemeral expressions of sympathy sent to Newtown following December 14th. Andrea Zimmerman is seeking suggestions for sources of grants.

The Newtown Bee issues from 1940- 1979 need to be archived to microfilm or to a digital format.  Andrea Zimmerman has researched the cost.  Funding is being sought.

Nominating Committee: No report

Old Business: None

New Business:  None

Move to adjourn by John Trentacosta, seconded by Dan Cruson.  Approval was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.

Respectfully submitted,  
Jennifer Reilly
CH Booth Library Board of Trustees